12 Pillars - Goodwill & Kindness

'Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a persons life.'   Jackie Chan

Charity, goodwill and kindness are highly regarded at Fletcher Early learning Centre and Montessori. We work together with our community to find ways that we can give back, support people and families in need and support families that access our centre. We also work each year to raise valuable funds for charities that are close to our hearts. 

We are proud to say we have worked with charities like Zara's House, The Blue Tree Project, Camp Quality, Cystic Fibrosis, Bear Cottage, Ronald McDonald House, Drought, fire and flood relief charities, Australia's Biggest morning tea-Cancer Council and many more. Each year we host a giant raffle prior to Christmas and all the proceeds are donated towards charity. During Covid lockdowns the children created thankyou cards and handmade gifts for our frontline workers. Each year we host 'crazy hair' days and dress up weeks where all gold coin donations are forwarded towards charities. Each class also sponsers a child in Africa- the children are able to write letters and send them to their sponser child and learn about different ways children across the world live and survive.

Goodwill and Kindness is also an important element of our educational program. Kindness and goodwill actually makes us happier and healthier humans! Kindness is a beautiful and natural human response that forms naturally at a young age. By nurturing, reinforcing and celebrating acts of kindness at a young age we are able to encourage these qualities to stay with children as they grow and into adulthood. Our educators promote kindness, compassion, goodwill and charitable acts among the children by using daily interactions as opportunities for guidance, role modelling and responsive relationships. 

"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness." Lucius Seneca