12 Pillars - Health & Nutrition

Learning about healthy lifestyles contributes to a child's sense of well being and build their confidence in themselves. Supporting children to learn about healthy eating and how to keep fit helps them to develop their independence and knowledge and take a more active role in their own health, safety and well being. All young children need help to establish patterns of healthy eating for a healthy life and optimal brain and body health. A key part of learning about and adopting healthy lifestyles involves children seeing these modelled positively and enthusiastically by the important people in their lives.
Teaching children about nutrition at an early age can motivate and empower them to eat healthier and to eat a wider range of healthy foods, setting the foundations for health and wellness far intothe importance of good nutrition for children

The importance of good nutrition for children.

Good nutrition has so many amazing benefits for our bodies:

-Nourishment for the brain-the brain uses more energy than any other organ in our body (more than 20% of our daily energy intake) Everything from learning to memory and attentiveness, are affected by the foods that we consume. Young children who's brains are still developing need a nutrient dense diet to help them as they process the world around them. Without the right nutrients toddlers and preschoolers might struggles to develop the skills to maintain concentration, which becomes increasingly important as they get older. Research has shown that foods like fish, berries and broccoli are just a few of the foods shown to improve cognitive functions and memory. Research has also shown that 'anti nutrients' such as refined sugar, bad fats and additives can negatively affect a child's mind and make them feel hazy and less focused.

-Happier through healthy eating-Nutrition has a direct effect on how children feel. Research shows the brain networks associated with controlling eating are closely linked to emotion. Serotonin (which helps regulate sleep, appetite and moods) is mostly produced in the gut, meaning the digestive system also manages and guides emotions.